It was a nice day, I went to Pusgiwa at 3 p.m. accompanied by my father and my lovely nephew. Actually, the committee asked the Research Camp (RC) members to stand by at Pusgiwa at 1 p.m. But, because of another activity that I have to do first, I couldn't go on time. If only I had done packing at the previous night, I could've gone there on time.
At pusgiwa, at KSM secretariat more precisely, All RC members were waiting for Bang Berly, the KSM founder. Not too long after my arrival, Bang Berly came and gave some messages, advices, and also assignments.
From pusgiwa to Bekasi we hired public transportation so we could achive Lampung by using Raja Basa bus. Lampung and Java is separated by Sunda strait so we also needed Fery Ship to across it.
It was Ramadhan, so we all were fasting although there were also from the girls who didn't because of the sensitive reason (I know, you know what I mean).
We broke the fasting at Bus terminal, I forget what time exactly we left the terminal but the thing that I still remember is, there was a problem before the departure. The bus won't to go because there were only 12 passengers lesser than the agreement.
At around 7 p.m. finally we left the terminal. We paid for 8 persons who canceled for the trip because of various reasons. In the bus, there were not only us, but also a family who joined the trip to Lampung together with us. We took the bus like the bus is our own bus, because there were a lot of empty seats.
Look at the empty seats! |
Kak Ovi and I |
At the middle of the trip, the air conditioner was in bad condition and made the trip uncomfortable. We were moved to other bus, and the driver paid us for the disadvantage.
We were moved to other bus because of the air conditioner problem |
We were at the ship at around 3 a.m. It was so cold, I was regret didn't bring jacket because of my forgetfulness.
It was so cold! |
I was praying Subuh in the bus, it was my first time, praying in the bus!
The location was still far from the Bakauheni port.
It's around 9 a.m. we took from the bus off. It wasn't a terminal, but a street we didn't know where the exactly we were. We were waiting for our friend that would pick us up and brought us to the location.
Took off from the bus |
Waiting for friend to pick us up |
After waiting for him to pick us up, we were brought to Bandar Negeri Semuong Sub-District Office by hiring public transportation. Actually, it was still far to reach the office.
The hired public transportation |
In the public transportation |
Arrived in the office, we were arranged to meet the stakeholders. We told our intention why we were going to visit them. The stakeholders received our visiting with open-handed, they accepted our arrival well, and had prepared for us the accommodations. We were going to place in one of family houses there.
My health team and politic team (social 2) were placed in Gunung Doh, social 1 team and science-tech team were placed in Sinar Bangun. Whereas, culture team was placed in Banding. Those villages are called "pekon". So we can say pekon Gunung Doh, pekon Sinar Bangun, and pekon Banding.
There were 3 houses where we lived temporarily. Only kak Bagus who lived in Pak Sobri house (the head of pekon Gunung Doh). While kak Ovi and Tika lived in pak Kepala Sekolah house. Kak Bagus, kak Ovi, and Tika were politic team, so they were separated but my team was not seperated because we lived in one house, it's bu Sriyana house (pak Sobri's sister).
Kak Desti and I in front of the house |
Ratu and Nindy in the house |
The first day in Gunung Doh, my team only stayed in the house for constructing the research proposal. Before we met the people for the interview, we went to Wonosobo market together with bu Sriyana to buy some souvenirs and also vegetables and fishes.
Bu Sriyana and Kak Desti bought some fishes |
The next day in Gunung Doh, we began to interview the people. On that day, we only met 2 people, bu Mardiyah who had given birth her second child and a woman who was pregnant.
Our research is about "Jampersal" it stands for "Jaminan Persalinan" that is a government program to help Indonesian people in childbirth. The people who use the facilities will not be charged. The facilities that the people can use there are pregnant examination, childbirth, postpartum treatment included KB program treatment, and newborn treatment. So for the research data, we were looking for 5 different informant type, they were a woman who was pregnant, a woman who had given birth, posyandu cadre, bidan, and midwife "dukun beranak".
At first we had planned to research about malaria in Lampung. But, in fact, Lampung has not been endemic with malaria since 2006. So after this survey, we changed the research proposal and moved to Jampersal, the recommended problem by bidan.
The reason why malaria has not been endemic in Lampung since 2006 maybe because there are a lot of lemongrass plants, as we know that, it is mosquito repellant. Using mosquito net is also indicating that Lampung people has known about malaria disease prevention.
Back to Jampersal, our research title is "Analisis Kualitatif Pencapaian MDGs Melalui Pelaksanaan Program Jampersal di Desa Sinar Bangun, Gunung Doh, dan Banding Kecamatan Bandar Negeri Semuong Kabupaten Tanggamus, Lampung". So, our research needed 5 informants from each village.
My health team was consisted of kak Desti, Ratu, Nindy, and I. We were separated in searching data. Kak Desti and Ratu searched data from informants in Sinar Bangun, while Nindy and I searched data from informants in Banding.
It was so much fun. At first, I felt worried because it was my first time to research, and I don't know how to interview the people well. The first informant, Bu Mudariyah who lives in Gunung Doh, we felt that we had failed in interviewing her, because it was too brief (only 7 minutes) and rigid. To be honest, if the condition still like that, we were giving up because we were afraid of bad data that we had collected. But, as we went through the second chance in Banding, the interview was so fun, flowing easily, and getting so much information even more than we needed.
Bu Mudariyah and I |
Bu Salamah (Posyandu cadre) and I |
Bu Suhaidah (who was pregnant) and Nindy |
Bu Susi (who was giving birth her child) and Nindy |
Bu Khodijah (midwife "dukun beranak") and I |
Bu Leni (bidan) and Nindy |
After being successful in interviewing the informants in Banding, Nindy and I intended to go to Indomaret since we still had more time left in Banding. To go to Indomaret we need to have a walk more than 500 meters. We refused ojek service because we didn't something unpleasant happened.
Nindy in front of Indomaret |
While searching data for the research, RC members, also did community service in Gunung Doh and Banding elementary school. We joined the class, making something fun, sharing happiness, and taking some photos.
Joined the class |
Together with the student |
Some of RC members |
At Gunung Doh, I also had my first experience washing the clothes on the bank of the river. It was so tiring, I thought my clothes were not really clean yet, hahaha, I was washing them in a hurry because the sunlight was so awful. But, overall, the experience was fun. Maybe, I will think twice to wash the clothes again on the river, hahaha :D
Washing the clothes with the people |
I was washing the clothes |
On the last day, we came back to Bandar Negeri Semuong Sub-District Office to present our temporary research report.
Science-tech presented their temporary research report |
We were listening their report |
Before going back to Jakarta, RC members took a chance to visit the beach. At the beach, we only took some pictures, hehe.
RC members |
RC members |
Finally we went back to Jakarta, for that moment, we took the ship when sunny days, so we could take some nice pictures.
On the ship |
Going back to Jakarta didn't mean that our relationships with the people was over. We still keep contact while we are separated by Sunda strait. I still save sms from pak Sobri, the head of pekon Gunung Doh.
Pak Sobri's sms |
Besides that, we still have a promise to send them our final research report. Now, our research report is still in progress. Hope we can finish it well :D
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